First of all, nice ideas
We have a lot of them too and its good to compare them with what the community wants, so thanks for the post !
1) You can find a bit of that already with the Volumetric noise, in the Special Layers menu (right under 3D layers). It's unfortunately quite slow for the moment, and lacking a bit of control. It is still at the experimental stage, and we didn't have a lot of time to put on it just yet; you can try having fun with it, and if it's something that seems interesting to you, I encourage you to ask us to improve it !
3) I like that one a lot, could be used for nice generative effects, lightning and stuff !
I added it to our list.
4) Smode supports 3ds meshes, but it is a bit old and the recommended 3D format is fbx today. Added that one to the list too.
7) It is possible to create a spline using a function to have them editable from within Smode (3D Layers > Splines > Function Spline). But it is very far from a dedicated editor for editable splines / paths, which could be really cool for path animations.
8) There is a plugin existing that is based on Inigo Quilez's articles on distance functions (still internal), the Constructive Solid Geometry plugin. We could make it public but it is unfortunately not finalized.
9) The curves view is our F-Curve editor, you have to think of putting your points in Bezier
But indeed, it is still in beta, it's one of the things we are working hard on !
There are some new improvements coming in the 7.3 version, here very soon
10) There is an SSAO 2D modifier, simulating ambient occlusion that might interest you (Modifiers > Stylize > Ambient Occlusion).