Hi Neanderl!
This is funny, we do work on a functionnality like the one you want since yesterday
If you can't wait until a full integration of this functonnality in Smode, here is how you can do it today:
1/ In your composition, create a dedicated Timeline and rename it in something like "camera switcher"
2/ Click on your Main composition, select the parameter "Current Camera" and drag&drop it on the dedicated timeline
3/Then, animate this parameter in this timeline. Create many keyframes as you have camera in your compo and assign it a new camera.
For example:
0s = camera 1
20s = camera 2
40s = camera 3
4/ When every camera have a keyframe, palce the time cursor over each of them, right click and "create time marker at current time" rename the time marker in "Cam 01", "Cam 02", "Cam 03".
You should get something like this:
5/Each of time marker have this parameter:
Connect it to a dedicated midi pad, or expose it as a trigger parameter, you now can play with differents camera