Smode 8.2
SmodeTech is proud to announce you the release of Smode 8.2. As usual, lot's of improvements and new features
Here is the full changelog:
Smode Studio & Smode Station
- New: Blur V8 effect, a fully rewritten multi-purpose Blur effect
- New: Gradient generator and mask with configurable gradient shape
- New: Linear workflow / sRGB selector for every compo & support of Gamma on textures
- New: Stereoscopic Camera with Anaglyph or Left/Right output
- New: Camera selector in each visualizer viewport
- New: Introduce the concept of "Focus Parameters" in Cameras
- New: NDI Input support
- New: Support playback and export of Apple ProRes 4444xq format
- New: Ability to transcode .mp3 files into .wav
- New: The audio gain is directly accessible for audio input and output devices
- New: Support of audio file with more than two channels
- New: Support internationalized character customization for fixed-font text
- New: Outline option in 2D text
- New: "3D Alpha" effect on 3D renderers
- Change: HD live/spout output included in the free edition (!!)
- Change: Time-base is configurable in each timeline and cue
- Change: Store Ellipse and Noise size in pixels to make them square by default
- Change: Uniformize the way FOV is managed in cameras
- Change: The "Motion Blur" 2D modifier has been renamed into "Feedback"
- Change: The old "Blur" effect has been renamed into "Legacy Blur", "Blur" refers to the new Blur V8
- Fix: Cubemap Rendering support multisampling
Smode Station only
- New: NDI Output support (release)
- New: Native support of Datapath Video capture cards
- New: Native support of Blacktrax 3D tracking
- New: New Project navigation bar and make Virtual Screens and Outputs visualizable
- New: Support of ITU-R BT.2020 ColorSpace for UHD Video Input
- New: DMX video output supports 'grayscaleAndAlpha', 'rgba', 'bgra', 'argb' and 16 bit pixelformats
- New: "Time Code" launch mode in standard content fixtures
- Change: Interlaced Video Input Blend field is now optionnal
- Change: Deltacast driver update to 6.5.3
- Change: Replace specific concept of "Stage Cameras" by traditional Cameras